• A+ Customer Service

  • Low Prices Daily

  • 100% Authentic, Factory-Direct Items

  • Hassle Free Returns

About Us

  • Freedom Gorilla (est. Nov 2021) is operated by two guys from small towns in Northeast PA and one from Kentucky. 
  • We guarantee all our products ship out the door quickly, get delivered quickly, have the best prices, and are 100% brand new and genuine.
  • We strive to offer the best customer service and shopping experience we can. We are continuously investing in systems that we believe will best serve our customers.

Meet the Team 

Paul Rinaldi
Paul is an IT guy that grew up living half in the country and half in the suburbs. He’s been shooting since he was 8 years old and was always taught firearms safety and how to respect the weapon.

Paul loves being outdoors, going to the gym, spending time with family, and taking his Springer Spaniel Oakley for walks in the woods.

Paul also loves making customers happy, fast shipping, making websites awesome, and getting awesome feedback from customers.

Paul's Father and Grandfather are both retired LEO's, and both Grandfathers served in WWII.

Mark Dymond
Co-Founder Mark also grew up in Northeastern Pennsylvania. He learned the entrepreneurial way from his grandpa who owned a local business as well as apartments. As a child, as young as 10, Mark would help remodel apartments during tenant turnovers and help at his grandpa’s business during summers. From a young age Mark learned how to work hard, and to not rent to crackheads.

Mark came from a family with multi-generational military service, and began shooting with his dad as a hobby many years ago. Now as an outdoor/gun/emergency-preparedness enthusiast, he’s excited to bring great deals and the best service to all Freedom Gorilla customers.

Steve Hensley
Born and raised in Kentucky, Steve grew up deep in the mountains on a family farm. Steve began shooting at the age of seven and never stopped. His love for shooting eventually led him to shoot competitively in both IDPA and USPSA and become a gunsmith.

Steve is former law enforcement and served as an instructor and armorer. He has taught firearms and self-defense in multiple venues, from tactical applications to long-range shooting.

Steve is also a Scout Leader with the Boy Scouts of America and works to teach preparedness to the next generation. He is married and spends off time with his wife, son, and dog.

Steve is dedicated to providing great service and loves being able to help customers make informed decisions and further enjoy guns and shooting.

We’re a new company that wants to provide an awesome shopping experience for you!